Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cee Lo Green Changes Lyrics to "Imagine," John Lennon Fans Not Pleased

Performing live on New Year's Eve, Cee Lo Green made a seemingly minor change to the lyrics to John Lennon's classic song "Imagine" that caused a big uproar.

Shortly before the ball dropped, Green changed the lyrics from "Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too" to "Nothing to kill or die for, and all religion's true."

This didn't go unnoticed by many fans, upset with the change.

In response, Cee Lo Tweeted, "Yo I meant no disrespect by changing the lyric guys! I was trying to say a world were u could believe what u wanted that's all."

That did little to comfort angered Lennon lovers, who lashed out on Twitter. Watch the performance below (around 4:00) and tell us if you think the criticism is warranted:


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