Friday, January 20, 2012

Evidence of past Southern hemisphere rainfall cycles related to Antarctic temperatures

Evidence of past Southern hemisphere rainfall cycles related to Antarctic temperatures

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Geoscientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the University of Minnesota this week published the first evidence that warm-cold climate oscillations well known in the Northern Hemisphere over the most recent glacial period also appear as tropical rainfall variations in the Amazon Basin of South America. It is the first clear expression of these cycles in the Southern Hemisphere.

The work by Stephen Burns and his doctoral student Lisa Kanner at UMass Amherst is reported in the current issue of ScienceXpress. Burns says, "The study also demonstrates that rainfall in the Southern Hemisphere of South America is, though to a lesser extent, also influenced by temperature changes in the Antarctic, which has not been previously observed."

The last glacial period, from about 10,000 to about 120,000 years ago, saw North America and Western Europe covered in a thick continental ice sheet, the geoscientist points out. Yet climate was also highly unstable during the period, cycling every few thousand years between warm and cold, dry periods in the high northern latitudes. Temperatures could change by as much as 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

Known as Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) cycles, these millennial-scale rapid climate events were first recognized in the Greenland ice cores, but have since been found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, Burns points out.

The UMass Amherst climate researcher is an expert in reading past climate data from the ratio of oxygen isotopes found in calcite in speleothems, another name for stalagmites, stalactites and other water-deposited cave features. Analyzing radioactive isotopes and stable oxygen isotopes in the calcite sampled from ancient cave formations can provide information on past rainfall over many thousands of years, Burns says.

He and Kanner used oxygen isotopic analyses from a 16-centimeter (about 6.3 inches) stalagmite recovered from a cave 2.4 miles (3,800 meters) above sea level in the Peruvian Andes for this study. The sample grew from 49,500 to 16,000 years ago, providing a 34,000-year-long record of rainfall changes in the Amazon Basin. Kanner and colleagues found that cold periods in the high Northern latitudes are associated with an increase in precipitation, the South American Summer Monsoon, in the Amazon Basin.

They found that cold periods in the Northern Hemisphere are associated with an increase in precipitation, the South American Summer Monsoon, in the Amazon Basin.

"This relationship is the exact opposite of changes in rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere tropics, where cold intervals result in a decrease in rainfall," Burns says.

Revised chronology for several major climate events that took place in the last glacial period proposed in this study could lead to a better understanding of Antarctic warming during the same period and its relationship to warming the subtropical North Atlantic, the authors state.


University of Massachusetts at Amherst:

Thanks to University of Massachusetts at Amherst for this article.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Downton Abbey's Elizabeth McGovern, Elizabeth Dockery Recording Album! (omg!)

Downton Abbey's Elizabeth McGovern, Elizabeth Dockery Recording Album!

Downton Abbey's divas are ready to sing!

Actresses Elizabeth McGovern and Elizabeth Dockery play aristocratic mum and daughter Lady Grantham and Lady Mary on the hit British series currently airing to boffo ratings on PBS.

And now, McGovern and Dockery are ready to collaborate on a wholly different project: an album of music!

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British actress Dockery, 30, told The Telegraph on Monday that she and 50-year-old McGovern (who became a Stateside star in the 1980s in films like She's Having a Baby and Once Upon a Time in America) are having "so much fun" recording together.

"Elizabeth is a great songwriter," said Dockery, who has performed with McGovern's band Sadie and the Hotheads.

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"It's going to come out later in the year," added McGovern, who plays the Countess of Grantham on the buzzed-about period drama.

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Richmond mayor fires juvenile detention superintendent. Who is she?

RICHMOND, VA (WTVR)-? Dianne L. Gadow, the superintendent of Richmond?s Juvenile Detention Center, has been relieved of her duties by the mayor and a new management team has been set up to correct issues that led the center to be placed on probation last week by the Virginia State Board of Juvenile Justice.

?Major Jones gave us a very clear directive that we had to take very quick and aggressive action in turning the center around,? Richmond Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Dr. Carolyn Graham told CBS-6. ?We will finish the work before we go back to the board in April.?

The mayor?s office released this statement Tuesday afternoon: ?Effective January 16, 2012, the superintendent of the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center has been relieved of her duties and Jack Scott, Executive Director of the Crater Youth Commission in Petersburg, has been named interim superintendent. Chuck Kehoe, director of the Richmond Department of Justice Services (RDJS) will serve as the lead for the RJDC organization?s Correction Action Plan. Also, Charles Lampkin from RDJS has been named as the interim assistant superintendent.?

Who is Dianne Gadow, the superintendent relieved of her duties?

Even though she ran one of the tougher detention facilities in the state, she?s never been quoted in a news story or given a TV interview.

Gadow, a recognized juvenile corrections reformer, was brought here two years ago to turn Richmond?s program around.

Records indicate Gadow served as the Deputy Director of Operations for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections.

She ran a juvenile correction center in Delaware, and worked with Youth Services in Colorado. She?s been the Chairperson of the American Correctional Association Juvenile Corrections Committee. And she?s known for building programs that focus on mental health, special education and other issues to get offenders out of the incarceration loop.

She came here with a three-to-five-year plan to do that. But persistent problems at the 60-bed detention center continue after two years on the job, including lingering training shortcoming, maintenance and some security and safety issues.

That?s why the state Board of Juvenile Justice put the facility on probation last week. The Virginia State Conference of the NAACP has been pushing for investigations and corrective actions. That organization?s executive director, King Salim Khalfani, has called the center a ?cesspool of corruption.?

In 2003, when Gadow ran the detention facility in Delaware, she was sued for racial and sexual discrimination in federal court for suspending an employee who had violated protocol. That case was summarily dismissed.

Was her tenure here in Richmond a case of a bad fit, or did she run into a system that was resistant to reform?

When she was the juvenile corrections administrator for Arizona, she wrote an article about modern challenges facing those trying to turn around young offenders. She urged a community- and government-wide approach to fixing one of society?s toughest problems ? turning youthful offenders around.

She quoted President Eisenhower?s secretary of state, saying: ?"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year."


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SEC Inspector General Kotz leaving agency (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? David Kotz, the tough internal watchdog at the Securities and Exchange Commission, is leaving the agency at the end of January to join a private investigative service.

Kotz, 45, probed everything from the agency's failure to catch convicted Ponzi swindler Bernard Madoff to bungled SEC contracts and even pornography-watching by agency employees.

But the hard-hitting lawyer has also drawn criticism from SEC staff who have complained his tactics have led to a culture of fear at the agency.

In December, Reuters reported that at least two SEC employees had filed formal complaints against Kotz, alleging he bullied witnesses and twisted facts to build a case against them.

Kotz plans to join Gryphon Strategies, a private investigative services firm where he will serve as a managing director in its Washington office. He will focus on conducting corporate fraud investigations and helping whistleblowers seeking to expose fraud, the SEC said.

"I am tremendously proud of the accomplishments of my office and the agency over the past four years," Kotz said in a statement. "The reports we have issued have not only been significant to the agency, Congress and the investing public, but they have also directly resulted in a transformation of many of the divisions and offices of the commission."

Kotz joined the SEC in December 2007 after previously working as the inspector general of the Peace Corps.

His aggressiveness has won him some fans, particularly in Congress. His exhaustive 477-page report on the agency's failure to snare Madoff prodded the SEC to be more assertive in implementing a new database to help track tips from informants.

Most recently, one of Kotz's past investigations helped lead the Justice Department to reach a civil settlement with a former SEC attorney over claims he improperly represented alleged Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford after departing the SEC. [ID:nL1E8CD9DB]

"David Kotz produced strong, conclusive reports, even as critics claimed he was too aggressive," said Republican Senator Charles Grassley, who has been a big supporter of Kotz's work. "An aggressive, independent inspector general is best for the agency in the long run, even if that's uncomfortable for management."

Kotz's successes have recently been shaded by growing concerns about his tactics.

Harvey Pitt, a former SEC chairman, was one of the first people to publicly lash out against Kotz during congressional testimony last year. He said on Tuesday that Kotz was a "rogue IG" who brought a "reign of terror" to the agency.

"While his departure did not come soon enough to spare many employees from the sting of his improper and harsh criticism, his departure is good news for an agency and its staff that have deserved better since Mr. Kotz's tenure began," said Pitt, who has represented some staffers pro bono in Kotz probes.

Kotz did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Kotz's announcement about his departure took many at the SEC by surprise on Tuesday.

In an interview with Reuters in the fall, Kotz had denied having any interest in moving on, saying "I enjoy my current position."

However, a little over a year ago, a headhunter was circulating his resume to top law firms in New York, but there was little interest, legal sources told Reuters late last year.

Criticism of Kotz has grown in the past 12 months.

Two SEC employees filed complaints against Kotz in 2011 with a government council that monitors the work of 73 inspectors general known as the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, or CIGIE.

The two staffers had previously been targets of Kotz's probes and later cleared of any wrongdoing.

One of those employees, SEC veteran enforcement attorney Nancy McGinley, was accused by Kotz of possible insider-trading in shares of companies such as Citigroup and Schlumberger.

The matter was referred for potential prosecution to the U.S. Justice Department and her name appeared in some media reports. The DOJ declined to prosecute, and McGinley said Kotz's aggressive investigation unfairly took a toll on her reputation.

In another complaint, the SEC's acting branch chief of acquisition policy, Linda Baier, made wide-ranging accusations about how she and her colleagues were treated in Kotz's various audits and investigations.

In her own case, she said Kotz retaliated against her after she told him she felt one of his reports did not go far enough in investigating potential misconduct by an employee in her division.

Shortly afterward, she said, he began investigating her behavior and accused her of pre-selecting a certain contractor for a job.

She also alleged that on at least two occasions, Kotz himself may have tried to circumvent competitive bidding rules so he could hire certain candidates to work in his office, including one former Peace Corps employee.

Kotz in prior interviews with Reuters denied all of the allegations made against him by Baier and McGinley.

In addition to the story by Reuters, several recent articles by Bloomberg have also raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest after Kotz did a sit-down interview with a financial adviser who markets a "crash-proof retirement plan" through the Internet and a paid radio show.

The adviser later sold Kotz three tickets to a sold-out football game.

According to Bloomberg, CIGIE was also looking into both of those matters after Kotz self-reported them to the organization.

A spokesman for the independent unit of CIGIE that examines complaints against inspectors general could not immediately be reached for comment about the status of the employees' complaints or the concerns raised by the interview and football tickets.

(Reporting By Sarah N. Lynch; Editing by John Wallace and Tim Dobbyn)


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Riad Al Asaad, Syria Rebel Army Chief, Calls For International Intervention As Bloodshed Continues

By Erika Solomon
BEIRUT, Jan 17 (Reuters) - A Syrian rebel army chief urged the world on Tuesday to protect civilians in Syria, saying Arab peace monitors had failed to curb President Bashar al-Assad's violent response to a 10-month-old revolt against his rule.
Big powers have also proved unable to stop the bloodshed in Syria, where U.N. officials say more than 5,000 people have been killed and Damascus says its security forces have lost 2,000 dead.
Riad al-Asaad, Turkish-based commander of the rebel Free Syrian Army, called for international intervention to replace the Arab observer mission, which has just days to run.
"The Arab League and their monitors failed in their mission and though we respect and appreciate our Arab brothers for their efforts, we think they are incapable of improving conditions in Syria or resisting this regime," he told Reuters by telephone.
"For that reason we call on them to turn the issue over to the U.N. Security Council and we ask that the international community intervene because they are more capable of protecting Syrians at this stage than our Arab brothers," Asaad said.

President Assad, while proffering reform, has vowed to crush his "terrorist" foes with an "iron fist", but Syrians braving bullets and torture chambers appear equally determined to add him to the list of the past year's toppled Arab leaders.
Army deserters and other rebels have taken up arms against security forces dominated by Assad's minority Alawite sect, pushing Sunni Muslim-majority Syria closer to civil war.

"Terrorists" firing rockets killed an officer and five of his men at a rural checkpoint near Damascus, and wounded seven others, the state news agency SANA reported on Tuesday, a day after gunmen assassinated a brigadier general near the capital.
Eight people were killed when a bomb hit a minibus on the Aleppo-Idlib road, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
In Homs, tank fire crashed into the Khalidiya district after a night rally against Assad there, activists said. YouTube footage showed a crowd dancing at the rally and waving the old Syrian flag used before the Baath Party seized power in 1963.
The British-based Observatory said two people were killed and nine wounded in the violence in Homs.
Activists also reported fighting between rebels and troops trying to edge into Khalidiya, a neighbourhood that is home to Sunni tribesmen and lies next to the Alawite district of Nozha.
Tanks were firing sporadically at the rebel-held town of Zabadani, near the Lebanese border, which has been under attack since Friday, activists said. They added that several soldiers who had tried to defect to the opposition had been killed.
Syrian forces shot dead a man at a roadblock in the restive Damascus suburb of Qatana, they said, and an activist was killed by sniper fire in the northwestern town of Khan Sheikhoun.
The Arab League must decide soon whether to withdraw its 165 monitors, whose mandate expires on Thursday, or keep them in Syria even though they are set to report that Damascus has not fully implemented a peace plan agreed on Nov. 2.
The Arab plan required Syria to halt the bloodshed, withdraw troops from cities, free detainees, provide access for the monitors and the media and open talks with opposition forces.
Qatar has proposed sending in Arab troops, a bold idea for the often sluggish League and one likely to be resisted by Arab rulers close to Assad and those worried about unrest at home.
Syria's foreign ministry said on Tuesday it was "astonished" at Qatar's suggestion, which it "absolutely rejected".
The League could ask the U.N. Security Council to act, but until now opposition from Russia and China has prevented the world body from even criticising Syria, an old ally of Moscow.
Western diplomats said a Russian draft resolution handed to the council on Monday did not make clear if Moscow would accept tough language demanded by the West.
Few Western powers favour any Libya-style military action in Syria, which lies in the heart of the conflict-prone Middle East. Bordering Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Israel, it is allied to Iran and the armed Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah group.
The United States, the European Union, Turkey and the Arab League have announced sanctions against Syria, but while these have hurt its economy, they have yet to prompt Assad to change course. Opposition to sanctions from some of Syria's trading partners, notably Lebanon and Iraq, also dilutes their impact.
Council members have been divided for months over the uprising against Assad, with Western countries pushing for strong condemnation of the government's bloody crackdown but Russia seeking to shield its ally Damascus.
In October, Russia and China vetoed a European-drafted resolution that threatened possible sanctions. Russia presented its own draft on Dec. 15 and Western countries agreed to discuss and negotiate it, but there has been little progress since then.
A Syrian lawmaker told Reuters on Monday he had fled the country to join the opposition after losing hope that Assad would enact reforms or stop the violence.
"Blood is in the streets," said Imad Ghalioun, from the restive city of Homs, who took refuge in Cairo two weeks ago.
"The whole country is bleeding. I do not think there will be any reforms because the young people have taken their decision," he said. "This is a revolution and there is no going back." (Additional reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Amman and Mariam Karouny and Dominic Evans in Beirut; Writing by Alistair Lyon; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Perry Looks To Create 'Next Great Awakening' (ABC News)

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'Consequences': Iran warns Gulf countries not to replace its oil

By news services

TEHRAN - An Iranian pro-reform newspaper says the country's OPEC governor has warned the country's Arab neighbors that Tehran will view any increase in crude production to counterbalance a potential embargo on Iranian oil as an unfriendly act.

A Sunday report by Shargh daily quotes Mohammad Ali Khatibi as saying that Arab nations will be an "accomplice in the consequences," if they raise output to offset any potential loss of Iranian crude exports due to an embargo.

New U.S. sanctions against Iran approved last month target the country's central bank and, by extension, its ability to sell petroleum abroad. The U.S. has delayed implementing the sanctions for at least six months. The EU is also contemplating an embargo.

Iran is OPEC's second-largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia with output of about 3.5 million barrels per day. It is facing trade hurdles over its nuclear program, which the United States and its allies say is aimed at building bombs.

Iran says it needs nuclear technology to generate electricity.

EU countries have proposed "grace periods" on existing contracts of one to 12 months to allow companies to find alternative suppliers before implementing an embargo.

Iran has threatened to block the vital oil shipping route of the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf if sanctions imposed on its oil exports.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Messi's rise with Barcelona started on a napkin


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 11:41 a.m. ET Jan. 7, 2012

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) -Lionel Messi's remarkable career with Barcelona began on a napkin.

It happened more than a decade ago, when the 13-year-old Messi, then just a scrawny little kid with plenty of talent, was hoping to earn a contract with Barcelona.

"It's a napkin that myself and many colleagues believe has changed the history of Barcelona," Horacio Gaggioli, who helped broker the deal, told The Associated Press. "If it didn't exist, Leo would have played for another team."

In September 2000, Messi had his first tryout with Barcelona. Undersized but dazzling as always with a football at his feet, the Argentine teen impressed Barcelona club official Carles Rexach.

So when the time came a few months later to make a firm decision, the club's technical secretary and past and future coach scribbled out an informal contract on the closest piece of paper he could find at Barcelona's Pompeia Tennis Club. In it, Rexach reiterates Barcelona's desire to meet the demands of Messi's father, Jorge.

The small napkin reads: "In Barcelona, on the 14th of December of 2000 and in the presence of Josep Minguella and Horacio (Gaggioli), Carles Rexach, F.C.B technical secretary, it commits under his responsibility and despite some views against it to sign the player Lionel Messi, as long as we stick to the amounts agreed upon."

Messi's exploits since turning pro have been amazing.

Still only 24, Messi is on the verge of winning football's top individual prize, the Ballon d'Or, for the third consecutive time. He scored 53 goals last season and has 31 so far this seasons, leaving him only 25 goals short of Cesar Rodriguez's club record.

Nicknamed "The Flea," Messi has also won three Champions League titles, five Spanish leagues, a pair of Club World Cup and European Super Cups, five Spanish Super Cups and one Copa del Rey since his club debut in 2004 - leading to comparisons with Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano, the game's greatest players.

"They were different players and so was he. Players like him are very few, which is why we signed him so young - there was something different about him," Rexach said. "The family asked us for a paper to confirm the deal so they could be confident about his signing for Barcelona. I had nothing else to write on, so I used a napkin."

The process to bring Messi to Barcelona started even earlier, however.

Gaggioli had been asked by contacts from Messi's native Rosario to help broker a tryout with Barcelona because the family had decided to leave Newell's Old Boys for the football riches of Europe. Besides searching for a big European club, Jorge Messi was looking for a team that would also agree to pay for Messi's growth hormone treatment.

River Plate had the chance to sign Messi before Barcelona came into the picture, and Gaggioli said he will never forget the day he went to meet the Messis for the first time.

"I met them at the airport and when I saw Leo I thought, 'Where is this kid going to play?"' Gaggioli said. "He was so small and so skinny that the notion of him playing football seemed impossible."

Despite his slight appearance, Messi was mesmerizing on the field. He had been a standout player for Newell's youth teams - scoring handfuls of goals at a time - and wowed Rexach and youth team coach Quimet Rife in his single tryout against older boys.

Still, convincing incoming president Joan Gaspart to commit to signing a 13-year-old nobody when he needed to hire a coach and sign players for a league run was proving difficult. Especially considering Messi's weak physique, with the cost of treatment paramount to any deal after Newell's stopped funding it.

Not only would Barcelona have to pay the cost of Messi's growth hormone treatment, but signing him meant carrying the price of transporting his entire family to Barcelona, where the club would have to find his father work and cover the cost of his lodging.

"A new president doesn't usually have to worry about signing a player who will come good inside 10 years so much as think about signing one, or two or three, who can start playing in the league come September and help win the league," Minguella, who worked with Gaspart during his presidency, told the AP from his stately home in the western hills of Barcelona. "(Luis) Figo, who was the figure for Barca, had just left (to Real Madrid) and now here we appeared talking about a 13-year-old kid. It was a difficult time."

Barcelona, whose philosophy is based on Catalan values and institutions, had never signed such a young talent from abroad before. Those in-house worries were being felt by the Messis, who had returned to Argentina in October convinced a deal was done. But the documentation was not forthcoming.

"The directors couldn't understand why we are out there looking at a 13-year-old kid from Argentina," former Barcelona director general Joan Lacueva, who served under Gaspart's board for three years and worked behind the scenes to ensure Messi's signing, told the AP. "And after two return trips to Argentina and the poor treatment at the hands of the club, (Jorge) was getting anxious.

"But Rexach and Rife were clear about signing him, saying there was no other player in the world like him. There was no doubt, he was a pearl and you didn't need to know football to know that."

Lacueva held off a tense Jorge Messi and did not relent on Gaspart, who eventually caved into the demands of Rexach, whose long trajectory with the club has seen him serve as Johan Cruyff's assistant before taking over himself after the Dutchman's abrupt departure in 1996.

By December, Gaggioli made it clear the club better commit or risk losing the chance to sign Messi. And Rexach was quick to respond that December day at the tennis club.

"He looked all around, trying to find some scrap of something to write on, but there was nothing, so he pulled out one of the napkins," Minguella said.

Assured the deal had been done, Jorge Messi moved his family to the Mediterranean coast. Messi then officially signed with the club in March.

As for the napkin, that historic piece of wax paper remains in the hands of Gaggioli and Minguella. It has been laminated and placed in a safety deposit box inside one of the city's banks not in Barcelona's museum.

"(The museum) is the place it should be. But I've never received a phone call from the club about the napkin," said Gaggioli, who did not dismiss monetary compensation in exchange for the piece of club history. "I never earned a single euro from the club or from Messi. But I don't know if I would want a fee, they'd have to call first."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Probing what Hollywood told about bin Laden raid

(AP) ? Investigators are probing whether the Obama administration divulged too many details of the secret raid on Osama bin Laden to Hollywood filmmakers.

Rep. Peter King, who heads the House Homeland Security Committee, has questioned how much information was shared about the U.S. special operations mission in Pakistan that killed the al-Qaida leader in May. King on Thursday released a December letter from the Pentagon saying that the inspector general's office covering intelligence matters "will address actions taken by Department of Defense personnel related to the release of information to the filmmakers."

King, R-N.Y., also released a November letter from the CIA saying that its office of public affairs was developing a "single point of reference that will govern future interactions with the entertainment industry."

King has expressed worries about the administration's cooperation with Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Kathryn Bigelow, director of the Oscar-winning picture "The Hurt Locker," who is working on a movie about the hunt for bin Laden. In August King wrote the inspectors general of the Pentagon and CIA noting a New York Times column saying that Sony and Bigelow had been given "top-level access to the most classified mission in history."

In his letter, King said that leaks of classified information related to the bin Laden raid had already resulted in the arrests of Pakistanis believed by Pakistan authorities to have assisted the CIA. Participation by the Pentagon and the CIA in making a film about the raid "is bound to increase such leaks, and undermine these organizations' hard-won reputations as 'quiet professionals,'" King said.

He sought information on talks among the White House, the Pentagon and the CIA about providing Hollywood executives with access to covert military operators and asked whether the film would be submitted to the military and the CIA for pre-publication review.

White House press secretary Jay Carney, asked in August about King's call for an investigation, said claims that the White House had given out classified information were false and that the most specific information the White House had released about the raid came from his daily briefings.

In a statement late Thursday, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood said, "CIA has been open that as part of our public outreach, the agency has over the years engaged with writers, documentary filmmakers, movie and TV producers, and others in the entertainment industry.

"Our goal is an accurate portrayal of the men and women of the CIA, their vital mission and the commitment to public service that defines them," Youngblood added. "And it is an absolute that the protection of national security equities is an integral part of our mission."

Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal issued a statement in August saying the film "has been in the works for many years and integrates the collective efforts of three administrations, including those of Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama, as well as the cooperative strategies and implementation by the Department of Defense and the CIA."

The movie is expected to reach theaters at the end of the year.

Associated Press


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Friday, January 6, 2012

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Surge in Violence in Mexico a ?National Emergency,? Experts Say

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Surge in Violence in Mexico a ?National Emergency?
Drug war analyst and former UN official Samuel Gonzalez says the problem in Mexico does not have to do with the police or judges, but is bigger because it is rooted in a government that is ?incapable of guaranteeing the security? of the people...
More details
?Venezuela (Click here for more Venezuela news)
?12/30/2011?? Venezuela Will Keep Receiving Gas from Colombia
?12/29/2011?? 14 Killed in Fuel-Tanker Wreck in Venezuela
?12/29/2011?? Chavez?s Former Shrink Seeks Pardon for Murder Conviction
?12/28/2011?? Chavez: Venezuela Will Be World?s Top Oil Exporter
?12/23/2011?? Repsol, Eni Agree to Invest $1.5 Billion in Perla Gas Field with Venezuela's PDVSA
?Colombia (Click here for more)
?12/31/2011?? Mayor-Elect of Southwest Colombia Town Slain
?12/30/2011?? Mudslide Kills 3 in Colombia
?12/30/2011?? Colombia Extends Pact to Supply Gas to Venezuela
?12/30/2011?? No One Hurt in Bombing Near Colombian Police Station
?12/29/2011?? Colombian Ex-Militiaman Sentenced to 20 Years for Massacre
?Panama (Click here for more)
?12/28/2011?? Two Hurt in Protest in Panama
?12/26/2011?? US Charges 12 in Panama Drug Trafficking Conspiracy
?12/12/2011?? Former Dictator Noriega Begins Serving Time in Panama
?12/11/2011?? Former Dictator Noriega Returns to Panama
?10/21/2011?? Obama Signs Trade Pacts with Panama, Colombia into Law
?Ecuador (Click here for more)
?12/9/2011?? Petroecuador to Ship $538 Million Worth of Oil to PetroChina in 2012
?12/9/2011?? Ecuador State Oil Firm Eyes 16% Output Boost in 2012
?12/3/2011?? New Wells Bring Repsol?s Ecuador Output to 45,000 BPD
?11/28/2011?? Ecuador Authorities Seize 3 Tons of Cocaine
?11/16/2011?? Ecuadorian Soldier Dies in Clash with Smugglers
?12/20/2011?? Two Arrested After Deadly Exorcism in Bolivia
?11/23/2011?? Repsol to Invest $640 Million in Bolivia
?11/13/2011?? Bolivia is No. 1 Cocaine Supplier to South American Market, UN Says
?10/27/2011?? Spanish Firm Signs Contract for Bolivia Gas Plant
?10/24/2011?? Two Burned to Death by Vigilantes in Bolivia
?Central America
?1/1/2012?? Guatemalan Girl Killed by Stray Bullet on New Year?s Eve
?1/1/2012?? Mayor-Elect Shot in Western Guatemala
?12/31/2011?? 44,000 Hondurans Deported from U.S. and Mexico in 2011
?12/30/2011?? Guatemalan Judge Wounded in Assassination Attempt
?12/29/2011?? More Than 6,700 Slain in Honduras in 2011
?Brazil (Click here for more)
?1/1/2012?? Brazilian City Hosts World?s Largest New Year?s Eve Party
?12/27/2011?? Brazilian Gang Stealing Hair from Beauty Salons
?12/27/2011?? Brazil Will Soon Be World?s No. 5 Economy, Government Says
?12/27/2011?? America Movil to Invest $5.4 Billion in Brazil
?12/27/2011?? Bus-Truck Collision Kills 6 in Brazil
?1/1/2012?? Pope Approves Cuba Visit Agenda
?12/31/2011?? Authorities, Faithful See Off Our Lady of Charity Pilgrimage in Havana
?12/29/2011?? Cuban Opposition Says 7 Political Prisoners Pardoned
?12/28/2011?? Cuban Government Publishes Names of Pardoned Prisoners
?12/27/2011?? Cuba Expands Phone Connections 18.5%
?1/1/2012?? Mexican Civil Servant Gets 48 Years for Time Theft
?1/1/2012?? 49 Kidnappings Per Day Occurred in Mexico in 2011
?12/31/2011?? Arms Distributor for Pacific Cartel Arrested in Mexico
?12/31/2011?? Three Slain, Four Arrested in Northern Mexico Shootouts
?12/30/2011?? Mexican Hospital Welcomes Kids from Both Sides of Border
?12/29/2011?? Puerto Rico Murder Count Reaches 1,130
?12/22/2011?? Former San Juan Police Chief Denied Bail in Kiddie Porn Case
?12/19/2011?? Puerto Rico Hits 1,100 Homicides for the Year So Far
?12/17/2011?? Moderate Earthquakes Rattle Puerto Rico
?12/17/2011?? Dominican Police Arrest 2 in Deadly Capsizing
?1/1/2012?? Over 100 Injured in Argentina on New Year?s Eve
?1/1/2012?? Argentine Governor Dies in Accidental Shooting
?12/31/2011?? Peronist Youth Seek Blood Donors for Argentine President?s Operation
?12/29/2011?? Robbers Walk Out of Argentine Bank with Sacks of Mail
?12/28/2011?? Argentine President to Undergo Surgery for Thyroid Tumor
?12/30/2011?? Family at Peace After Probe of Allende?s Death
?12/30/2011?? Fire Rages in Chilean National Park
?12/30/2011?? Indians Burn Government Helicopter in Southern Chile
?12/28/2011?? Tourists Evacuated from Chilean Park Due to Fire
?12/26/2011?? Chilean Daily Ordered to Pay Victims of Explosive Recipe
?12/20/2011?? Lori Berenson Back in U.S.
?12/19/2011?? Peru to Allow Berenson to Travel to U.S.
?12/18/2011?? Berenson Prevented from Boarding Flight at Peruvian Airport
?12/17/2011?? Historic Lima: From Chaos to Culture to Trendy in 20 Years
?12/17/2011?? Peru Court Allows Berenson to Travel to U.S. for Christmas
?12/13/2011?? 20 Hurt in Blast at Government Office in Uruguay
?10/16/2011?? Clinton Send Congratulations on Uruguay Bicentennial (VIDEO)
?9/29/2011?? U.S. Partners With Uruguay for TechCamp Montevideo
?8/23/2011?? Clinton Sends Independence Day Wishes to Uruguay
?7/18/2011?? Former Uruguayan President Juan Maria Bordaberry Dies
?Latin America (Click here for more)
?12/21/2011?? Latin America Economy to Grow 3.7% in 2012, UN Panel Says
?12/19/2011?? Another Strong Year for Latin American Exports
?12/12/2011?? Pope to Visit Cuba and Mexico Before Holy Week
?12/6/2011?? Mesoamerican Leaders Call on U.S. to Reduce Drug Consumption
?12/5/2011?? Latin American Citizens Seek Greater Social Mobility, UN Official Says
?World (Click here for more)
?1/1/2012?? Hundreds of Police Patrolling Los Angeles After Another Night of Arson
?12/31/2011?? Los Angeles Cops Investigate Over 20 Fires in Last 48 Hours
?12/30/2011?? Farmworkers in El Paso Glum About 2012
?12/30/2011?? U.S. Government Creates Telephone Hotline for Detained Immigrants
?12/29/2011?? Hispanic Woman?s Letter Included on Book of Missives to Obama
?Business & Economy (Click here for more)
?12/31/2011?? Spain Opposition Calls Rajoy Austerity Package ?Unjust?
?12/30/2011?? Spain?s New Government Announces Tough Austerity Measures
?12/29/2011?? New U.S. Jobless Claims Rise

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